Esther Law’s Quotes (Jan, 2021)

Our muscles grow strong by being challenged! That’s how we make life the best it can be. ~ Jan 31, 2021

When we committed to the decision, we create the power source that drastically improve our chances for success. ~ Jan 30, 2021

Living well is more a matter of making every experience a quality experience. ~ Jan 29, 2021

Focus our thoughts, allow gratitude to spread through our entire being, and follow the blessings wherever it leads. ~ Jan 28, 2021

When our imagination inspires us to work with persistence and positive purpose, we can bring great things to life ~ Jan 27, 2021

We don’t live in a perfect world! So, let us strive for excellence, not perfection. ~ Jan 26, 2021

Performing excellently is a habit. Consistently doing common tasks in an uncommon way! ~ Jan 25, 2021

Persistence is the key to success! River cuts through the rock not because of its power, but its persistency ~ Jan 24, 2021

Life is markedly fulfilling and enjoyable when we are committed to excellence. ~ Jan 23, 2021

Learn to choose those activities that endure beyond the moment, and leave a beneficial impact on life. ~ Jan 22, 2021

Success in business requires winning competitive strategy, and outstanding execution. ~ Jan 21, 2021

The secret of change is to focus our energy
on building the new not fighting the old. ~ Jan 20, 2021

The potential for greatness lives within each of us ! It comes from the desire to perform extraordinarily. ~ Jan 19, 2021

Integrate and transform our desire, knowledge, experience, resources, capital & capability into WEALTH. ~ Jan 18, 2021

Purpose is an expression of truth. Let’s load truth into all we think, speak and do, and we’ll put purpose in our day. ~ Jan 17, 2021

Live what we learn, give more, learn more, love more. Let us seek not to confine love in any plan or person or object or idea. Let our love to be everywhere, and it will fill voids which we never knew were there. ~ Jan 16, 2021

Let’s be fully informed by the challenges but not stopped by them. Do everything we can, and let our courageous competence move life forward during this pandemic. ~ Jan 15, 2021

The energy we broadcast to life affects our life and the world in which we live. For the sake of others, for our own benefit , let it come from a good and sincere place. ~ Jan 14, 2021

Life can be filled with goodness provided we are intent on taking an active role. Let’s make the commitment to make it happen, now and always. ~ Jan 13, 2021

Focus on agendas that support , promote and nourish what’s most important to us. Fulfill the maximum potential of our attention by taking complete responsibility for it. ~ Jan 12, 2021

Let’s capitalize on the matters that are within our power to improve. Avoid cursing on what we can’t change. Deploy our attention, energy, and efforts where they will do us the most good. ~ Jan 11, 2021

Find the faith , the humility and the courage to let love overwhelm you.
Grow in strength by going where love pushes you to go. Live in the power of love. ~ Jan 10, 2021

When our thoughts and ideas are challenged, they become clearer, more aligned with truth, more valuable. Be willing to question our thoughts, even to possibly discard them, and our thinking grows in power. ~ Jan 9, 2021

Let’s fulfil the promises that has been built in us.
Fully appreciate where we have been, and carry that appreciation to the very best places we can reach. ~ Jan 8, 2021

Share with the world how great life can be when you are purposeful, diligent, and competent.
And you’ll extend that goodness to all those around you. ~ Jan 7, 2021

Ambition is meaningless
if we are not willing to be consistent with our actions and be persistent in operating at a high level. ~ Jan 6, 2021

Have faith in God, believe in yourself, confidence in your own abilities, work hard,
and there is nothing you cannot accomplish. ~ Jan 5, 2021

Gratitude is the sweetest thing in all human life.
If there is gratitude in our heart, there will be sweetness in our eyes. ~ Jan 4, 2021

Faith is the truest form of POWER ! ~ Jan 3, 2021

Contribute your best to the world,
and the best will come to you! ~ Jan 2, 2021

In 2021, let us be a Great Reinventor
Reshape ourselves
Reshape a better world. ~ Jan 1, 2021

Optimism is a blessing 🧲 magnet! Stay joyful ,Stay positive,
Good people and good things will be drawn to you !