Reshape Ourselves, Reshape A Better World

In 2021, let us be a Great Reinventor
Reshape ourselves
Reshape a better world.

2020 is beyond everyone’s expectations, and it is destined to be engraved in the history of mankind.

When I wrote this sentence, I didn’t even know how to describe the 2020 that will pass. If we use color to explain, the four colors of black, gray, blue, and red are intertwined, despair and fear, dawn and hope, the powerlessness before the unknown virus and the warmth under the glory of humanity, in the march of humanity, suddenly press the silence of the pause button, from the anxiety of the individual, the restlessness of the group, to the collision of all human beings, this year, we finally understand that in the vast universe of life, human beings are extremely small and very ignorant.

Spengler wrote in “The Decline of the West”: “The watershed for survival in the West was 1800-one side of this watershed, life is full and confident, it is in an inherent, great, uninterrupted evolutionary process. Formed in the savage childhood of the Goths and continued to Goethe and Napoleon. On the other side of it is the kind of artificial and rootless life in our big cities that has entered into its twilight years, shaping its form it’s reason.”

Today, 220 years later, we can say that the watershed for human survival is 2020-one side of this watershed, life is plain and self-restrained, it is formed in a reverent, symbiotic, and self-seeking evolutionary process.

It has continued from Faust’s “searching for the land of the Greeks with the soul” to the present; on the other side of it is the further stimulus of human beings for their own development, the endless desire for wealth, but unawareness of unknown challenges . To my ignorance, my own and worldly life, perhaps it is technology that shapes its form.

In my own annual selection of books, the enlightenment of the two books is even more different:

Anthony Cronman asked us why we gave up the pursuit of the meaning of life in the book “The End of Education: Why the University Abandoned the Pursuit of the Meaning of Life.”

“Why do people live?” This most important question in life seems to have been forgotten by people.

People are usually trapped in the torrent of change. Under the influence of secular humanism, they only pay attention to the needs of reality, and only pay attention to the artificial, external, and even called the scientific evaluation scale.
However, “science has created a hole it cannot fill, which is the cause of the troubles and desires of contemporary people.” People have lost themselves.

In “My World View”, Einstein explored the relationship between people and others, the world, and the natural universe throughout.

“When we started to look at our own lives and work, we soon realized that almost all of our actions and desires are closely related to the existence of others.” His words repeatedly appeared in my mind. In the 3rd quarter of this year, there is a group of people who use their lives to be closely linked with the fate of people who have never known before. One after another tired and determined figure, one after another true story, people are seen everywhere in the world. The contrast between humble selfishness and noble selflessness.

Einstein reminded himself, “I remind myself hundreds of times a day: My spiritual life and material life depend on the labor of others (including the living and the dead), and I must try my best to repay what I have with the same amount.
What has been received and what is still being received.” With this reverence and strong sense of responsibility, Einstein integrated the goodness, beauty, and truth into his bones, focusing on the objective world and striving to benefit the human world.

In the one or two hundred years since the start of the Industrial Revolution, mankind has used technology to build a more prosperous and better life; the rapid development it has achieved cannot be overstated. This is indeed a great era, with each passing day, full of confidence, and the desire for victory fills every corner.

It is this self-confidence and desire that has brought life into an unprecedented fast-paced, causing us to confine ourselves to a narrow perspective. In the current time and space distress, we don’t even know what our inner needs are?

The new technologies of the 21st century-big data, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, etc., will cause inequality that has never existed before? Or is it true to achieve common well-being?

Today’s technology is more powerful than ever before, and it also makes us feel intimidated like never before. With greater uncertainty and the unknown, the world is no longer what we are familiar with. For the first time, it seems that we have turned from self-confidence. Lost.

Richard DeWitt wrote in “World View”: “This is the first time in history (at least in recorded history) that we have no metaphors to use, and we have come to a dividing point, which is from now on, we may no longer be able to use a convenient metaphor to summarize the world we live in.”

Is this a frustrating point in time? not completely. Whether it is an individual or a human being as a whole, through the test of the 2020 epidemic, they will be able to gain the cognitive and insight of self and foreign objects, extend the dimension of life, lean creative behavior on the side of nature, and revive the diversity and naturalness of civilized ecology. It is also the time when the body and mind are reawakened. Remodeling is a fundamental choice in 2021.

In 2021, let us be a reinventor. Reshape ourselves and reshape a better world.