Esther Law’s Quotes (Feb, 2021)

Start strong by focusing only on what truly matters!!
Start strong, continue strong, finish strong! ~ Feb 28, 2021

As a leader, the success of our team and organisation ultimately is dependent on our commitment to ourselves, our team and our brand. ~ Feb 27, 2021

Outstanding leader strives to learn about the aspirations and even personal interests of his or her team members. ~ Feb 26, 2021

可以累积的才会多, 不用重来的才会久. ~ Feb 25, 2021

The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe. Be brave to live from our ♥️ heart. ~ Feb 24, 2021

A team is always better than an individual, however, the team still has to have the right members to progress. ~ Feb 23, 2021

Winning is a process that builds physically and mentally every day that we train; and every night that we dream! ~ Feb 22, 2021

Synergy is a profound outcome of a team determine to go beyond their preconceived ideas to achieve greater results. ~ Feb 21, 2021

Kindness connects, encourages, heals and energizes; kindness confers the joy of wellbeing. ~ Feb 20, 2021

When we begin to embrace and appreciate our differences .. our look, our DNA or our unique name, will start to SHINE! ~ Feb 19, 2021

We can be in full control of transforming challenges into our own unique flavor of fulfillment. ~ Feb 18, 2021

Make the inner sparks of possibilities into flames of achievements which we will be happy to live with all our lives. ~ Feb 17, 2021

The best leaders have to be great learners as the future of leadership is all about mutual mentorship. ~ Feb 16, 2021

多与高人来往,勤与能人共事,乐与众人分享,常与亲人相伴! ~ Feb 15, 2021

A strong sense of life purpose allows us to focus on worthy and productive direction without distractions! ~ Feb 15, 2021

Challenging tasks can be highly energizing and liberating if we execute them with the right attitude and strategy. ~ Feb 14, 2021

Learn to avoid negative assumptions, offer instead an understanding heart, a sincere smile and a helpful attitude! ~ Feb 13, 2021

Let’s treasure our profound joy from within, revitalise our being, multiply and flow into the world of new possibilities. ~ Feb 12, 2021

年初一丽宝携家人祝您:一元复始、万象更新;年年如意、岁岁平安;财源广进、富贵吉祥;幸福安康、庆有余; 竹报平安、福满门;喜气洋洋 ❤️


Family reunion is a link to our past and a bridge to our future. FAMILY is our blessing where life begins and love that never ends! ~ Feb 11, 2021

Every person we encountered in life has something to teach us about the miracle of being. ~ Feb 10, 2021

Let us filled with endless gratitude.
Let the joy be with us, and let the peace be everything in our life. ~ Feb 9, 2021

Raise our experience to the level that is consistent with our highest values and most treasured dreams. ~ Feb 8, 2021

Embrace responsibility, act on it, our world will surely transform into a better place for all. ~ Feb 7, 2021

能舍是福 能舍是福 。。我感恩!我感谢爸妈教会我这个道理。。让我的生活一直都充满喜乐和平安。。!我一直很富足。。尤其心灵的富足。。我永远相信能祝福别人,能欣赏别人的好最喜乐。。别人若想尽办法取走属于你的东西,你不用跟他争,你就带着喜悦的心让给他。。因为他缺。。他有需要。。你有。。你有就是福。。能给就是福。。或许很多人认为,给了就是少了,其实不然,我个人体会是,越给越有福。越给越有钱!今天是人日。。在这人日的当儿,我感恩所有的人,所有的事,所有的物。。让我在幸福中度过。。谢谢!祝我祝大家过个美丽的生日。。充满阳光充满正能量。。做个能“舍”的人。。 ~ Feb 6, 2021

Feel the truth, feel the positive power and make a uniquely beautiful life with it all. ~ Feb 5, 2021

To be extraordinary is to face the present, and only the present can be grasped. Always start with me, start now. ~ Feb 4, 2021

Faith means the belief in ourselves and the people around us,
it grows exponentially when we succeed. ~ Feb 3, 2021

Struggled through challenging situation can leaves us smarter, more effective, confident & adaptable! ~ Feb 2, 2021

Let go of our need to control what is beyond us and embrace our power to control what is within us. ~ Feb 1, 2021

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