Esther Law’s Quotes (Apr, 2021)

Whatever is difficult can be done easily with regular attendance, attention and action. The power of consistency! ~ Apr 30, 2021

The heart and soul of an organisation is innovation and creativity! 🌎 Innovation for Tomorrow! ~ Apr 29, 2021

Our future is created by what we do today, not tomorrow! ~ Apr 28, 2021

Optimism leads to power, pessimism to weakness ~ Apr 27, 2021

Love grows by sharing. We can only have more for ourselves by giving it away to others ~ Apr 26, 2021

Outstanding teams incorporate trust into their culture
~ Apr 25, 2021

Convert R – L >> pRessure to pLeasure ~ Apr 24, 2021

No one can hit their target with their eyes closed
~ Apr 23, 2021

Good habits are rather crucial when compared to inpsirations. It will sustain us. Habit is persistence in practice. ~ Apr 22, 2021

To be healthy means to be balanced in body and
empowered from within. ~ Apr 21, 2021

It is more important for us to be consistent than to strive for perfection 💕 ~ Apr 20, 2021

Small steps everyday 👣 Slow & steady wins the race 🏃‍♀️
~ Apr 19, 2021

Our focus determines our reality. Stay focused 😊💃 ~ Apr 18, 2021

When we invest in life, we are being fruitful and productive 🏃‍♀️ ~ Apr 17, 2021

Persistent people want it bad, really bad, and they never look for an excuse! Powerful level of desire 💪 ~ Apr 16, 2021

Groom the winners to win more! ~ Apr 16, 2021

Spend time with WINNERS not with the losers!
Spend time with winners who appreciate your effort, your time, and your expertise. ~ Apr 16, 2021

Together, WE can make a DIFFERENCE. ~ Apr 15, 2021

‘ The Fear of Failure ‘ is the only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve ! Strive with Courage 💪 ~ Apr 14, 2021

Wealth Is NOT about how much MONEY we have, it is about how many OPTIONS we have. ~ Apr 13, 2021

Kindness is the key that opens doors. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes. ~ Apr 12, 2021

Advocate for mutual respect and finding common ground
to allow civilization to thrive. ~ Apr 11, 2021

Treasure the unplanned or the unexpected that paint the world in a shade we’ve never seen before, as it add real richness to our life. ~ Apr 10, 2021

With our authentic intention, persistently applied, we can. When we make the commitment, we will. ~ Apr 9, 2021

Envision a new level of discipline and purpose being added to our life, transform that good feeling into real progress. ~ Apr 8, 2021

Persist willingly, gracefully, enthusiastically, and find great fulfillment in all we are doing ❤️ ~ Apr 7, 2021

Seize every chance to make a small difference, for those differences are what will add up to the big impact we seek. ~ Apr 6, 2021

We have the influence to set our world on a positive path, but it won’t happen through shouting, cajoling or criticizing. ~ Apr 5, 2021

Respect the miraculous nature of that opportunity,
and spend this day doing what really matters. ~ Apr 4, 2021

Destiny is a process to be achieved, not a thing to be waited for, it is a matter of choice , not a matter of chance. ~ Apr 3, 2021

Give the world the best we have, and the best will come to us! ~ Apr 2, 2021

Many people are not living their dreams because they are living their fears! ~ Apr 1, 2021

Holy April Full everyone !
The great start of second quarter 2021