Portfolio Entrepreneur

Being described as “Woman of Wisdom” by a well-known Chinese media in Malaysia, Esther Law Lee poh is an entrepreneur, educator and writer, who loves to share life experiences and delivers love and inspiration. She never stops pursuing life breakthroughs and always longs for experiencing new things. By embracing challenges, she sets new life goals and lets self-encouragement be the fuel to develop a sustainable competitive advantage in her career and everyday life.

Pursuing the spirit of humanistic healthcare because of her cancer-suffering mother when Esther was young, the experience of her mother who had suffered cancer and eventually received proper treatments motivated her to make a difference in the medical field. Having realized the lack of knowledge regarding what cancer is as well as the relating treatments among Malaysia population, Esther founded Excellence Medicare Information Center in Malaysia in 2005. In the mean time, she promoted medical humanistic care education for all kinds of cancer patients. Celebrated cancer experts from all over the world were invited as guests to lecture all around the nation. In addition to introducing new medical discoveries and ideas, free medical consultation is also provided by these experts to allow more patients and their families to obtain suitable and professional treatment suggestions.

Entrepreneur Duration

In the duration, as a Malaysian who has no medical background however owns great passion in caring patients’ day-to-day feelings, Esther was appointed as the vice president and the Director of International Affairs of Fuda Hospital, an international cancer hospital located in Guangzhou,China. Her career of medical care education in Malaysia then started to extend to developing countries as, Thailand, Philippine, Vietnam Indonesia, Brunei, Middle East and even developed countries as the United States,Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore and so on.

In order to improve the service quality of hospitals in general and to help them reach international standard, in 2004, Esther Law came up with the conception of ‘BEU’, which stands for Basic (basic service), Expected (expected service) and Unexpected (unexpected service). ‘BEU’ allows foreign cancer patients who travel far away from home to receive comfort and care. Until now, it has become the service standard in Chinese medical field and has been published in different Chinese healthcare-related magazines.

Because of her distinguished achievements in the field of humanistic healthcare for cancer patients, She was elected as the Secretary General of the first Asian Society of Cryosurgery and the 18th International Society of Cryosurgery respectively in 2012 and 2013–the first female Standing Committee member with non-medical background. In November 2014, she was appointed as Vice Chairman of Guangdong Cancer Rehabilitation Association in China.

Hold key positions in businesses and associations
Esther is actively involved in different international events, creating collaboration possibilities. On the top of her career in cancer caring education, she also holds important positions in multiple businesses and organizations, fields including medical service and education, media, parenting education, event coordination, image consulting and etc.
World famous speaker and coach
Besides great achievements at work, Esther loves to share life experiences, and through public speaking, she exerts more positive influence on the society. To strengthen her speaking and communication skills, she has been actively giving speeches in the platform as Toastmaster International, and was highly appreciated by other international members. She was awarded the ‘Most Outstanding Toastmaster for the year 2004-2005” of Toastmasters International District 51 which is made out of all Toastmasters clubs in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. She was also the Divisional governor (2006-2007) of Toastmasters International District D 51 with 42 Toastmasters Clubs under her jurisdiction. Under her leadership, District D was adjudged “President Distinguished Toastmasters Division”. In recent years, she was invited many times to attend the annual meeting of Toastmaster International as the facilitator from Malaysia.

Busy work does not stop her proactive pace. In 2011, she joined “Leadership Team” which led by John C. Maxwell, an international leadership expert, and trainer of 6 million leaders. Brought together what she learned from the Leadership program along with the experience from Toastmaster International and many other fields, she has designed a highly efficient “train the trainer” model in order to make a contribution in the training profession. Now, not only she is in demand the internal trainer that many corporate would like to invite, but more importantly she becomes the mentors of a lot of outstanding trainers.

Esther Law majored in corporate management, has certificates of Property and real estate development as well as financial planning. An attitude of constant learning prompts her to enroll the courses of Money & You held by BSE business school and Business Mastery Program lectured by Anthony Robbins in 2013. With more knowledge in business management, Esther is confident in taking her career to a whole new level.

Since 2009, Esther Law for Malaysia and China to write a number of newspapers and magazines more than one column, with the text to share her insights and life inspired bit of humanities education in cancer and life. 2014, She has published “Cancer mission entrusted to me ” ( Books in Chinese ) and the “Gateway to life’s Value” ( English books ) two books , officially joined the ranks of writers .

Life And Business Strategist

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