Live with Purpose, Joy and Fulfillment

Live with Purpose, Joy and Fulfillment

Let our life be defined not by our reactions to what others do, say or think, but rather by our own unique vision. Raise our eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of the greatness that is within us. If we are quick to take offense, then we are under the control...
Have faith in ourselves

Have faith in ourselves

Life is a bowl of cherries. Some cherries are rotten while others are good; its your job to throw out the rotten ones and forget about them while you enjoy eating the ones that are good! There are two kinds of people: those who choose to throw out the good cherries...
Success and Happiness

Success and Happiness

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Albert Schweitzer Being happy is an expression of simplicity, freedom and joy. Happiness brings additional energy and positive passion to...


昨天从曼谷飞来广州 上午闲逛我熟悉的天河路 在万豪公寓常住的记忆以及在这里有我的创业故事 五年后的今天 我给予自己的承诺实现了 谢谢我的事业伙伴们的爱与支持 五年前我们在这里起步 也会从这里远航。。 由John Lao 以及专业团队带领的投行平台 HAFG 已经成功上NASDAQ : HAFG PINK 我们有了自己的资产管理-投行业务平台 | 全金融牌照...


我们跟昨天一样,依旧是同一个人,但不同的是,我们都成长了。 不断地经历生活,学习,成长,体验,感受和感知。 停下片刻,考虑一下它是多么美丽的悖论。 我们成功进取是因为我们能够牢牢掌握自己的身份以及我们所坚守的价值观,保持着对自己的强烈意识的一部分并愿意做出更好的改变。 我们生活的节奏即是固定的,也是灵活的。这是一个精妙的矛盾。 只要学会去把握好变和不变之间,把握好生活的规律,掌握好自己的定位,我们都会有自己独特存在的价值。 友爱思特 We are still the same person as yesterday, but...