





他接着观察,期待着在某一时刻,蝴蝶的翅膀会打开并伸展起来,成为一只 美丽 飞舞的蝴蝶……


实际上,这只蝴蝶在余下的 时间 都极其可怜的带着萎缩的身子和瘪塌的翅膀在爬行,它永远也没能飞起来……



有时候,我们的 生命 中同样需要奋斗乃至挣扎,假如生命中没有磨难,我们就会很脆弱 ,我们不会象现在这样强健,我们将永远无法飞翔。


人们总是祈盼顺利而不希望遇到挫折 ,渴求幸福而不愿遭受苦难,作为美好的向往,这当然是无可非议的,然而, 现实生活中,往往难免遭遇挫折与苦难,在某些时候,苦难如影随形,挥之不去。


有鉴于此,我们要拿出 勇气 承受苦痛,锐意进取,破茧成蝶,……




Notes from seven years ago

Tell yourself ~ I’m squeezing my wings, and I’m about to fly!

Butterfly revelation:

One day, a small hole was cracked in a cocoon, and someone just saw it. He had been watching. The butterfly struggled a little bit out of that small mouth. After a few hours, the butterfly seemed to have no progress. By the way, it seems that it has done its best and can’t go any further …

The man was really distressed and decided to help the butterfly: he took a pair of scissors and carefully broke the cocoon, the butterfly easily broke free, but its body was shrunken and small, with its wings tightly attached to the body …

He then observed, expecting that at a certain moment, the wings of the butterfly would open and stretch to become a beautiful flying butterfly …

However, this wonderful moment never appeared!

In fact, the butterfly crawled with atrophied body and collapsed wings for the rest of the time, it never could fly …

The well-meaning person did not know that the butterfly struggled out from the small mouth of the cocoon, and it was the arrangement of God. Through this squeezing process, the body fluid was squeezed from the body to the wings, so that it could spread its wings after it emerged. fly.


Sometimes, we need to struggle and even struggle in our lives. If there is no suffering in our lives, we will be very vulnerable. We will not be as strong as we are now, and we will never be able to fly.

The necessary experience is indispensable in life. You have to know that any success comes out of countless difficulties. A hardship is a harvest, and a life without suffering is fragile and unbeatable. People always hope for success and do not want to encounter setbacks, long for happiness and do not want to suffer. As a beautiful yearning, this is of course unquestionable. However, in real life, it is often inevitable to encounter setbacks and suffering. Follow the shadows and linger.

Life cannot always be smooth, and it is inevitable to experience ups and downs. If you think of roughness as a condiment, you will feel the ups and downs of life is also very tasteful; if you regard hardship as a wealth, it will enrich our experience and accumulate our life.

In view of this, we must show the courage to bear the pain, forge ahead, break the cocoon into a butterfly, …