F.E.A.R. – Face Everything And Rise

Judging from the epidemic, enterprises that rely heavily on offline consumption models are facing great difficulties, but companies that already have digital capabilities and can carry out online business and online work models have ushered in opportunities.

Just as the SARS epidemic in 2003 boosted the rise of e-commerce, this new round of pneumonia epidemic will accelerate the migration of various industries from offline to online.

We need to realize that the digital reality that emerged from the crisis is a fundamental direction of change.

The crisis is nothing more than bringing the digital reality to us more quickly.

Therefore, how to live in the present moment requires us to seek breakthroughs in cognitive abilities. Cognition represents a person’s or enterprise’s thinking framework for the external environment, market, and development.

After this framework is formed, it will form a person’s judgment habit. When the external environment changes, through the cognitive framework, it will capture relevant information and make judgments.

Therefore, we need to face the limitations of our own cognition, otherwise it will bring misjudgment or prejudice.

  • We need to understand the new technology and the new possibilities brought about by the change;
  • We need to expand our ability to interact with the outside world, and more importantly,
  • to break our own thinking habits.

Challenging yourself” will make you very uncomfortable, you need to lose your past experience and advantages, or make yourself a pupil again. .

This requires us to be truly prepared, based on whether we have enough wishes in our hearts and are willing to make a complete change.

When you are willing to take the initiative to challenge yourself, no other challenge can face a decisive move forward.