Success and Happiness

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

Albert Schweitzer

Being happy is an expression of simplicity, freedom and joy. Happiness brings additional energy and positive passion to our life.

Everyone is given an equal chance to indulge in those meaningful, happy and joyful moment, every moment that lead towards fulfillment.

We can let our life absorb and experience the rich substance of life. The special occasion is right here, now and always…

Go ahead and remind ourselves how fortunate we are! Be grateful always with what has been blessed upon us!

Celebrate all ocasions, all opportunities, that is right now at this moment of time.

As quoted by Anne Frank, “we all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.”

Learn to magnify the happiness by sharing it with all those around us.

Being happy is a matter of choice! I choose to being happy, how about you?

Your friend,
Esther Law